Is There an Ideal Age for a Mommy Makeover?
Simply put, there is no one ideal age to have a Mommy Makeover. This procedure addresses post-pregnancy body issues in a single-session surgery, typically combining a tummy tuck, breast enhancement, and/or liposuction. However, there are important life factors to consider that contribute to the ideal time in your life to have a Mommy Makeover. Here are some things to consider before having a Mommy Makeover:
What have you tried for long-term health and wellness? What have those results been like? Getting rid of pregnancy weight is hard work, but it is harder for some than others. If you’ve struggled to lose the weight despite honest dieting and exercise efforts, then your best option might be a Mommy Makeover. Regardless of your age, commitment to long-term wellness goals are important to sustaining your results after the makeover.
What is your current stage in life? Are you done having kids? It is best for those considering having a Mommy Makeover to be at a point in their life where they are done having kids. Of course, life happens, and it’s possible that another baby could end up on the scene. What a joy! But seriously think about what your life will look like in the next 5, 10, 15 years; do you see yourself wanting another child? If so, then it is best to wait. Mommy Makeovers are geared towards women whose bodies are not anticipating another pregnancy–otherwise you might have to do it all over again!
Are you ready for a new phase in life? Having a Mommy Makeover is not a small undertaking. It requires procedures that can take several weeks to recover from, so think very carefully about when you want to make that decision. Once you’ve made the decision to go through with the surgery, life is going to look very different. Following the recovery, you will have a new shape to your body and it may take some getting used to. Your clothes will fit differently, people might notice and tell you how great you look, and you might even enjoy shopping for that little black dress. Your new body is going to mark a new phase in motherhood that has the power to change your attitude about life. Are you ready for that?
A Mommy Makeover is truly a package deal that is customized to your body. No one procedure is the same as another because each body has different needs. Be open to change and to the possibilities that a makeover can have for you.
Interested in scheduling a Mommy Makeover consultation? Contact the practice of Kyle Song, MD! Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kyle Song, can help you decide if you’re ready for a Mommy Makeover. Call 949-701-4454 today!